Friday, November 4, 2011

Fatbacks Posters

The Fatbacks was a band I played in for 2 years from 2005-2007. Aside from being their drummer, I was also their de facto communications director. Below is a collection of various posters I created for the band. 

This was the first piece I ever created for the band. It was made in Print Shop Pro using a photograph I took of Sully, our lead singer. Despite its poor quality, it is still one of my favorite things that I've done because people that saw it knew what it was immediately; the hallmark of any effective piece of design. 

This poster was the first thing I ever created in Adobe Photoshop CS4. I spent many, many hours teaching myself the program and this was the first fruit of my labor. 

The rest of the posters in this entry were also created in Photoshop CS4.